Monday 20 January 2014

Exploring the Studios

Following our previous meeting I explored the Level 5 and 6 studios to find various pieces of artworks that caught my eye. The following artworks were of interest to me and I will feed back these at our next scheduled meeting.



These mixed media pieces are by artist Ellen Knight.They seem to combine both collage and paint which create a quite illusionist concept. These pieces are on quite a small scale compared to some other pieces of work within the studios. These pieces seem to have a strong focus on women and perhaps how they are portrayed in society which is shown through the use of cut outs from the internet and well known magazines. This could lead to a theme of feminism and how women are portrayed in the media this could be an interesting concept to follow for our exhibition. The colour palette is of these paintings also uses  quite washed out tones and so this would have to be considered if we were to display this work and how it would relate to other pieces that we may choose for our exhibition. 

 The image to the right shows artists Annika Idnes work. Here there is a series of 15 sketches approximately each A4 size. Each sketch studies various architectural buildings and landscapes both modern and traditional which gives overall piece a lot of variation. It seems these sketches have perhaps been drawn using charcoal on tracing paper. If we were to exhibit these as a group we could use the transparency to our advantage by either placing them on a coloured background which change the overall effect of the drawings or using lighting behind them to create a luminous atmosphere. We could also decide whether to use each sketch or pick the most effective, scattered around the gallery space.


The image to the left is by an unknown artist. I came across this painting after seeing the previous series of sketches. I think it links very well as it again focuses on architecture and has a monotone colour palette. However this is a much larger painted piece which would relate well to the above images especially if we decided to focus on an architectural concept for our exhibition.

This piece is again by an unknown artist. This painting immediately caught my eye because of the washed out colour palette juxtaposed against the vibrant red colour. This painting scatters numerous elements on concepts all in to one piece it combines themes of architecture, abstract and 'doodles'. The composition of this piece leads the viewers eye around and draws it in to the main focus point of the red sphere shape. The piece is also part of a series of slightly smaller scale, therefore it could be an idea to use various paintings from this series to exhibit to emphasize the style and individuality of the paintings. It is interesting again that these paintings seem to follow the concept of architecture. 

This piece is by artist Sukhjinder Nahal. The large scale and the fact that it is floor based installation instantly appealed to me as I have been previously attracted to mainly wall based pieces. This piece consists of a white wooden cube framework, filled with intersecting coloured thread which creates quite a hypnotizing atmosphere. This piece would work great as a central focus point within our exhibition as it immediately catches the viewers eye. There are a number of ways that this particular piece could be exhibited the obvious one being based on the floor but it could also be hung. Another interesting idea is to light up the box so that the threads would create a patterned shadow on the wall. It again fits the theme of architecture as it has been built following similar concepts and so relates well to other pieces that I have shown an interest in.

This piece is by artist Riba Begum. This is my favourite piece of artwork that I found whilst exploring the studio. The muted colour tones acting as a background with these realistic magpies and text in the foreground create a really effective mysterious atmosphere, especially because of the nature associated with the bird magpies. The composition of this piece leads the viewers eye around the painting to focus on the highlighted areas. I think this piece would look great in our exhibition depending on the theme that we decide to go with. 

I will present these images to my group at the next meeting where we will combine our ideas and photos to collaborate a theme as a whole for our exhibition. 

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